Mr. P.A.D. Shehan Nilmantha Wijesekara is a Lecturer attached to the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEIE), Faculty of Engineering (FoE), University of Ruhuna since 2018. He was a former instructor in the same department from December 2017- September 2018. He received his B.Sc. Eng. (First-class Hons.) Degree from FoE University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2017. He has been awarded with Mallika De Mel memorial gold medal for highest OGPA of FoE and Dr. A.D.V. Premaratna memorial gold medal for highest OGPA of DEIE for his Bachelor’s degree from the university of Ruhuna in 2017. He won best student award for excelling in Electronic Engineering. He has also been awarded Migara Ranatunga award for industrial training and E.W. Karunaratna award for the undergraduate project from IESL. He has also received Chinese ambassador scholarship for academic excellence in 2017. He had gained both teaching and research experience for more than 8 years in DEIE in all Electronic, Software and Telecommunication domains. Mr. Nilmantha is currently reading for a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. He has currently published 16 international indexed peer reviewed journal articles and has more than 220 citation score, while holding an H-index of 10 and an I10-index of 11. He has served as a peer reviewer numerous journals and conferences including IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Automatika, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Scientific Reports, Cloud Computing, Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) journal, and many more.