Ms. Gayathri Thilakarathne


B.Sc. (Special) in Applied Electronics with a First Class Hons (WUSL)

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Gayathri Thilakarathne has been a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering since 2023. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Special) Degree in Applied Electronics with First Class Honours from the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2021. Her academic excellence was acknowledged with the prestigious Hemsons International Gold Medal, awarded for her outstanding performance in the degree program and the highest OGPA in the department. She has consistently been recognized on the Dean’s List and received faculty awards for her exceptional achievements.

Research Areas

  • Embedded Systems
  • Sensor Networks
  • Low Power Applications


  • EE 5207: Electronic Circuit Design
  • EE 3301: Analog Electronics


  • Thilakarathne, G. C. W. and Senadeera, P. M. Jayasinghe, J. M. J. W. Wijesinghe, W. A. S.  and Karunarathna,  M.A.A. (2022). “A Novel Architecture Embedded with a Temperature Sensor for an Energy Harvesting Circuit”. Proceedings of 7th Wayamba Research Congress (WURC). Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. pp 45-46.


  • Thilakarathne, G. C. W. and Senadeera, P. M. (2021). “Self-Balancing, Portable, and Automated Condition Controlling System for an Infant Incubator”. Proceedings of 8th Annual Symposium on Research & Industrial Training (ASRITE). Department of Electronics, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. pp 25-31.


  • Hemsons International Gold Medal for the Best Performance – 2022.
    (B. Sc. (Special) Degree in Applied Electronics, 17th General Convocation, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka).
  • Chinese Ambassador Scholarship – 2018. (Funded by the Chinese Government)