Noeline W. Prins

Senior Lectuer

Contact info

+ 001 234 56 78
California, USA


Dr. Noeline W. Prins earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Miami, FL, USA and her B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She is a trained engineer and scientist in multi-disciplinary work. She has authored several publications in engineering and neuroscience journals and presented in several international conferences.

Research Experience: Previous to joining the University of Ruhuna, she was a researcher at the University of Miami where she was part of a team that conducted a clinical trial in invasive brain-machine interfaces on a person with quadriplegia (Youtube link). Prior to that she was employed at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland where she researched on comparison of invasive (Deep Brain Stimulation) and non-invasive (EEG) neurophysiology in psychological disorders. Her PhD work used non-human primates to learn about feedback mechanisms for reinforcement learning based algorithms.

Industry Experience: She has worked in industry in Sri Lanka and the USA in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, management and medical device regulations. Her interests include machine learning, neurophysiology, brain-computer and brain-machine interfaces, electronics and the application of engineering principles to nervous system disorders.

Research Areas






Praesent placerat dui metus, vitae mattis mi lobortis aliquam. Proin risus eros, dapibus a porttitor id, eleifend a est. Cras ornare massa in neque venenatis, a posuere dui ornare. Maecenas id volutpat mi, eu pellentesque eros. Morbi nibh libero, feugiat eget rutrum sit amet, interdum nec magna.


Vivamus ac massa sem. Praesent placerat dui metus, vitae mattis mi lobortis aliquam. Proin risus eros, dapibus a porttitor id, eleifend a est. Sed metus leo, blandit sit amet odio id, hendrerit sollicitudin lacus. Pellentesque vitae lectus molestie, ornare sem eget, sagittis metus. Maecenas id eros urna. Duis et accumsan nunc, eget faucibus leo. Cras ornare massa in neque venenatis, a posuere dui ornare. Maecenas id volutpat mi, eu pellentesque eros. Morbi nibh libero, feugiat eget rutrum sit amet, interdum nec magna.

Other Contributions

Cras est ante, porttitor non aliquam eget, ornare venenatis urna. Sed ac quam et arcu lacinia mattis rutrum vel massa. Phasellus blandit, risus at porttitor pharetra, tellus dolor euismod nunc, eget venenatis tortor neque ac erat.