Chatura Seneviratne
Contact info
+94912245765-6 (3221)
Room 3305
Dr Chatura Seneviratne is a Senior Lecturer attached to the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,University Ruhuna, Sri Lanka since March, 2018. He received his B.Sc. Eng. degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from the University of Ruhuna and the M.Eng. degree in Information and Communications Technologies from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Calgary, Canada.He subsequently completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the University of Calgary and worked on a chaos-based covert signaling project funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), USA.
Dr Chatura has gained industrial experience as a software engineer in IFS R&D International Limited and a telecommunication engineer in ZTE Lanka Telecommunication (Private) Limited. He also has worked as a Research Scientist in Complex System Inc., Calgary, Canada. Dr Chatura has served on numerous international conference and workshop organizing committees.
Research Areas
- Signal Processing
- Wireless Communications
- Data Fusion
- Machine Learning
- EE 3205: Signals and Systems
Seneviratne, C.K.W. (2015). Statistical Approaches for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, PhD Thesis, University of Calgary, Canada April 2015.
Seneviratne, C.K.W. (2009). Energy and Capacity Analysis of Relay Assisted MIMO Ad Hoc Network: A Game Theoretical Approach, Master Thesis, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, May 2009.
Seneviratne C., Leung H. (2017), Mixing Chaos Modulations for Secure Communications in OFDM Systems, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (2017) 226: 3287.
Leung H., Seneviratne C., Mindong X. (2015). A Novel Statistical Model for Distributed Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63, no. 12 (2015): 3154-3164.
Li B., Leung H., Seneviratne C. (2018), Analysis of noise impact on distributed average consensus, SPIE: Defense + Commercial Sensing Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2018.
Li B., Leung H., Seneviratne C. (2018), Secure communication using ergodic chaotic parameter modulation, SPIE: Defense + Commercial Sensing Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2018.
Seneviratne, C., Leung H. (2016), A low complex spread spectrum scheme for ZigBee based smart home networks. IEEE 13th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2016.
Li, Boyuan, Henry Leung, and Chatura Seneviratne. (2016), Distributed consensus in noisy wireless sensor networks. IEEE 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Heidelberg, Germany,2016.
Seneviratne C., Leung H. (2011).A Game Theoretic Approach for Resource Allocation in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE SMC 2011, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Seneviratne C., Leung H. (2017), Chaotic OFDM System for Secure Multi-User Communications, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamic Systems, Uttah, USA, May 2017.
Seneviratne C., Leung H. (2016), High-throughput Communication and Physical Layer Security with Interference Aligned Multiuser Digital Chaotic Signaling, 14th Annual Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference (ECC), Banff, Canada, May 2016
Seneviratne C., Seneviratne U. (2006). “Eclipse Plugin for WSDL file Editing and Validation”, Annual Technical Conference, IET Young Members Section, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Leung H., Seneviratne C., High Throughput Muliuser Covert Communications with Interference Aligned Digital Chaos Signaling, Office of Naval Research (ONR)C4/CYBER Principal Investigator Technical Review, Arlington, VA, USA, April 2016.
Leung H., Seneviratne C., High Throughput Muliuser Covert Communications with Interference Aligned Digital Chaos Signaling, Office of Naval Research (ONR) C4/CYBER Principal Investigator Technical Review, Arlington, VA, USA, October 2015.
Leung H., Seneviratne C., High Throughput Muliuser Covert Communications with Interference Aligned Digital Chaos Signaling, Office of Naval Research (ONR) C4/CYBER Principal Investigator Technical Review, University of Calgary, AB, Canada, June 2015.
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Other Contributions
Cras est ante, porttitor non aliquam eget, ornare venenatis urna. Sed ac quam et arcu lacinia mattis rutrum vel massa. Phasellus blandit, risus at porttitor pharetra, tellus dolor euismod nunc, eget venenatis tortor neque ac erat.