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Student Support

Explore Student Support at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna

Our students’ mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. We have appointed student counselors for you to speak to should you need any help. If further professional help is needed, they can connect you to professional counselors and psychiatrists as well.

We have many lecturers who speak Sinhala or Tamil and both male and female lecturers who are approachable for your issues at the faculty or if you want to bring a friend to the counselor.

Please refer to the detail page for more information.

For students with high academic achievements and/or are facing financial difficulties are assisted through scholarship schemes that are offered by the Faculty of Engineering in addition to Mahapola Higher Education Scholarships.

Mahapola Higher Education Scholarships

This scholarship scheme is a nationwide scholarship granted for university students which is administered by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The students should submit the completed Mahapola application (received with the university application) to the UGC. The student’s parent’s income, the number of siblings studying under 18 years of age, the distance from his/her home to the university and the student’s rank at district level are considered when granting the scholarship. Amount and number of instalments of Mahapola scholarships is decided by the Mahapola Scholarship trust fund.


The students who were not eligible for Mahapola Scholarship scheme are given the opportunity to apply for bursaries offered by the University. University administration would issue the bursary applications to all the students who gained admission to the university with their application. The same factors that were considered for Mahapola scholarship are applied for bursary selections.

Other Scholarships

There are several other scholarship schemes available for undergraduate students of Faculty of Engineering which are offered annually. In most cases Engineering Faculty Scholarship Committee (EFSC) is responsible for selecting the most suited and deserving candidates for the scholarships. Selection procedure for these scholarships might consider the factors such as level of the financial status, academic performance and achievement at extra-curricular activities of the students. Faculty will time to time advertise the availability and the selection criteria for the scholarships. Students are encouraged to apply.

Comming soon..

There are hostel facilities in the Faculty of Engineering for male and female students. All the Hostels are located at faculty premises.
All the hostels are administered under Wardens and Sub-wardens of the faculty. The academic sub-wardens (male and female) and non-academic sub-wardens (male and female) are staying at every hostel for providing assistance to students whenever necessary.
Hostel policy followed by the University of Ruhuna is to grant priority to first and final year students when accommodating. Hostel room vacancies, current hostel fee and other necessary information can be obtained from Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Engineering.

Career Guidance Cell of Faculty of Engineering, works in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit of University of Ruhuna.

Main Activities
Career Counselling
Certificate Course in Soft skills Development
Career Fair
Webinars and Seminars
Workshops and Programs

Career Fair - 2022

This year, our students will be completing their degrees with the internship program. Therefore, the Career Week will be for internship placement, in collaboration with the Engineering Education Centre (EEC).

Career Week will be held during the last 2 weeks in June.

Who is partnering with the CGU for the Career Week?
• Engineering Education Centre (EEC)
• Civil and Environmental Engineering Society (CEES)
• Electrical and Information Society (EIES)
• Mechanical and Manufacturing Society (MMES)
• Industry Partners

Industry partners can fill out the internship placement form and return to EEC indicating their interest to participate and we will have the relevant student society reach out to you.

1) Preparation Workshops

How to make your resume stand out, by Mr. Shan Yahampath on 23rd May (Monday) 6-8pm
How to face an interview, by Mr. Zameen M. Saleem on 30th May (Monday) 6-8pm

 2) Company Info Sessions

Each company can request a 30 min slot prior to the career week so that students can know details before applying. Deadline for companies to request June 1st.

3) Mock Interviews

Students will get a chance to get individual feedback from an interview panel. This will be organized at Department level.

4) Internship Placement Interviews

To be held online or in person during the last 2 weeks of June. Exact date will be informed soon.

You can contact Dr. Prins for more information on 0763677121

Soft Skills Program - FAQ

What is CCSSD?

Certificate Course in Soft Skills Development, which is conducted by the Faculty of Engineering and the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Ruhuna.

When is the deadline? Will there be an extension?

22nd May (Sunday) 11pm. Until the above form is closed, you can sign up.

Can we register only for 1 or 2 modules only?

Yes, but in order to get the certificate, you should register and complete all modules

When will the sessions start?

The first week of semester 1

Can I follow the modules if I cannot join online?

No, in order to really develop soft skills, you have to talk and get involved during the sessions. So watching a video later will not achieve those goals.

What happens if I cannot join for a lecture?

If it is a reasonable excuse, you can make a request of absence through your academic advisor to the coordinator (Dr. Prins)

What are the details of Module 1: Who am I?

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses and personality in order to perform the best for your career. You have already done the SWOT analysis and Career Plan. Remaining will be the Personality part

What are the details of Module 6: Communication Skills?

Presentation Skills, Spoken English, Letter Writing

What about the rest of the CCSSD?

The CCSSD has 9 modules. The remaining modules will be in semester 2 and 3. These include leadership camps and other activities. Towards the end of semester 1, we will give you information about these. If there are more students than we can handle, priority will be given for students who have completed all modules until then. More information will be given on the first day of the program.

What is the medium of instruction?

English – same as all the academic activities at the Faculty of Engineering

Why do I need to tell my academic advisor?

All module registrations for your academic work should come through your academic advisor. He or she is the first line of contact for you in case of anything. So they should be informed of your activities on campus so they can help advise you on how to navigate life as an undergraduate.

I only signed up for 1 or 2 modules - I have changed my mind, can I sign up for all 3 modules?

Yes, Send the coordinator (Dr. Prins) an email through your academic advisor “[CCSSD 23rd] cancel registration”

If I still have more questions, how do I clarify those?

Send the coordinator (Dr. Prins) an email with the subject line “[CCSSD 23rd] questions to clarify”

How do I register?

Fill out this form and let your academic advisor know you have registered

How do I know if I am selected?

The first 50 are automatically selected. If we have more applicants than we can handle, we will inform you at the beginning of the semester.

When will the sessions be?

It will most probably be on Wednesday mornings (2 hours/ week). This will be on your semester 1 time table

Will the sessions be physical or online?

It will follow your normal semester mode: it will be online if the other academic work is online, it will be physical once you come to campus physically

Will attendance be checked?

Yes, we will look at the zoom device name (last 4 digits of index numbers and your name with initials) for every session. You are required to participate for all the sessions or give an excuse through your academic advisor within a week of absence.

How many hours a week will it be?

Lectures will be 2 hours a week on the Wednesday slot. If there are workshops, these will be held in the afternoons or evenings like your laboratory classes. Typically, each module will have at least 1 workshop – So roughly 3 workshops per semester.

What are the details of Module 2: Resource Management?

Time management, Financial Planning, Learning about clubs and societies on campus and external degrees

What are other benefits of following the CCSSD?

In addition to getting the certificate, you will also have other opportunities to get involved with the programs of the career guidance unit. You will also get to meet resource persons at the university and in industry in your first two years which is a pretty rare opportunity.

How do I complete a module?

Attend all the sessions, interact during the session with the resource person, submit the assignment and/or do the group work.

What if I can't speak English?

This will be a really good chance for you to practice your spoken skills. This is intended to help you with it (especially, module6)

I have changed my mind, I want to drop the course. How do I drop it?

Send the coordinator (Dr. Prins) an email through your academic advisor “[CCSSD 23rd] cancel registration”

Who will be doing the sessions?

Mainly, the career counsellor, Ms Vindya Welihena (who did the SWOT analysis). There will be other resource persons from within the university and the industry.

In addition to Deputy Senior Student Counselor and Student Counselors, the faculty will appoint an Academic Advisor for each student. Students are urged meet the Academic Advisors on a regular basis and to use the academic advisory service to get advice on academic related problems.