Dr. Sumith Baduge
Senior Lecturer
PhD Ind Sc (Japan), MSc Eng (Japan), BSc Eng (Moratuwa, SL), MJSME
Contact info
+94 912245765/6/7
Division: Automobile, Marine, Thermo Fluid Engineering
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Research Interests and Collaborations
Research Interests
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- Two-Phase Flow in Micro-Channels
- Phase Change Heat Transfer in Micro-Channels
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Micro-Scale Fluid Dynamic
- Modules
Conference Papers :
- Baduge, S. and Kobayashi, Y., Effect of Gravity and Noncondensable Gas on Condensation in variable condactance Heat pipe, Proceedings of the 72th Japanese society of Mechanical Engineers Annual meeting, Tokyo,Japan, (1995), Vol.1, pp.1
- Baduge, S. and Kobayashi Y., Effect of Gravity and Noncondensable Gases on Vapor Flow in the Condenser Section of a Gas Loaded Thermosyphon , Proceessings of Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics Symposium For year 1995, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa , JAPAN,(1995), pp.79
- Baduge, S., Effect of Gravity and Noncondensable Gases on Vapor Flowfield in the Condenser Section of a Gas-Loaded Thermosyphon, Open Symposium on Masters Programs research Works, Graduate School of Engineering Mechanics, Tsukuba University, Japan, (1996), pp.241
- Baduge S., Kaminaga, F., Tanifuji, D. and Matsumura K., Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Small Diameter Tube under Forced Convective Condition, Proceedings of Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics Symposium for Year 1999, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa, Japan, (1999), pp.65
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., Tanifuji, D. and Matsumura, K., Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Small Diameter Tube on a Forced Convective Boiling , Proceedings of 37th National Heat Transfer Symposium,(2000) (2000), Vol.1, pp.347
- Baduge S., Kaminaga, F., Tanifuji, D. and Matsumura, K., Two Phase Heat Transfer in a Small Diameter Tube under Sub-Atmospheric Pressure Condition, Proceedings of 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference, (2000), Vol.2, pp.347
- Kaminaga, F., Baduge S., Chowdhury, F., and Matsumura, K., Boiling Heat Transfer in a Small Diameter Tube under Natural Circulation Condition, Proceedings of Boiling 2000 Phenomena and Emerging Application, Alaska, USA, (2000), Vol.1, pp.135
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., and Matsumura, K. Assessment of Void Fraction and Frictional Pressure Drop Correlations for Two-phase Flow in Capillary Tubes at Low Liquid Velocity, Proceedings of Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics Symposium for Year 2000, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa, Japan, (2000), pp.135
- Kaminaga, F., Baduge, S., and Matsumura, K., Fundemental Process of Tharmal-Hydraulic phenomena in Severe Accident (4) Boiling Heat Transfer in a Narrow Channel, Proceedings of Japanese Society of Nuclear Power Annual Meeting Year 2000, Ehime University, Japan, (2000), pp.481
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., and Matsumura, K., Pressure Effect on Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics in Small Diameter Tube, Proceedings of 37th National Heat Transfer Symposium, Japan (2001), pp.303
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., and Matsumura, K., Forced Convective Boiling in a Capillary Tube, Proceeding of the 8th Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual General Meeting, Japanese University, Tokyo, Japan, (2002), pp.519
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., and Matsumura, K., Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristic of Water in Capillary Tube under Sub-atmospheric pressure conditions, Proceeding of 38th National Heat Transfer Symposium, Spporo City, Japan (2002), pp.719
- Kaminaga, F., Baduge, S., and Matsumura, K., Flow Rate Effect on Boiling Heat Transfer in a Small Diameter Tube under Low Flow Rate Condition, 12th International Heat Pipe Conference, Russia, (2002) , Preprint Vol.1
- Baduge, S., Kaminaga, F., and Matsumura, K., Saturated Flow Boiling of Water in a Vertical Small Diameter Tube, Journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 27 (2003), pp.789-801
- Kaminaga, F., Baduge, S., and Matsumura, K., Pressure Drop in a Capillary Tube in Boiling Two-Phase Flow, First International Conference on Microchannels and ASME, Rochester, New York, USA, (2003), pp.635-642
- Kaminaga, F., Baduge, S., and Matsumura, K., Pressure Drop in a Capillary Tube in Boiling Two-Phase Flow, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol. 11 No.6 (2003), PP.15-23
Professional Experience
- Senior Lecturer , Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka (2004-2016)
- Temporary Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka (2003-2004)
- Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan.(2000-2002)
- Instructor/Demonstrator, Open University, Sri Lanka 1991-1992
- Visiting Lecturer, Technical College, Sri Lanka 1986-1988