Prof. H.C.P. Karunasena
PhD (QUT, Australia), MSc (Moratuwa, SL), BSc Eng (Moratuwa, SL)
Contact info
+94 912245765-6-7 (5232)
Prof. Karunasena holds a B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, earning a first class pass with class rank 001 and the Gold Medal. After graduation in 2006, he joined the industry and worked there for about 3 years, as a Design Engineer and a Maintenance Engineer at the Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd, Sri Lanka. Once he was recognized as a “Change Leader” in the company for his outstanding contributions to Lean Transformation and Maintenance Management.
In 2009, he joined the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna as a Contract Lecturer, and in 2010 he was promoted to a Probationary Lecturer. In 2011, he completed an M.Sc. in Industrial Automation from the University of Moratuwa. Later, he obtained overseas study leave for pursuing higher studies, and in 2014, he completed a Ph.D. specialised in Numerical Modelling from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. There, he was awarded one of the most prestigious awards: the “Most Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award”, recognising his outstanding research contributions in the field of Numerical Modelling with Mesh-free methods.
Later in 2014, he resumed duties at the University of Ruhuna and was confirmed in the position as a Senior Lecturer in 2015. Later in 2021, he was promoted to Full Professor and he is the 1st Professor in the history of the Department. He is mainly involved in renewable energy, maintenance management, and machine design areas and has supervised many undergraduate, postgraduate, and industry collaborative projects. For his outstanding research contributions to the University, he has received some prestigious awards such as “Most Outstanding Young Researcher” in 2018 and the “Most Outstanding Staff Inventor/ Innovator” in 2022, under the Vice Chancellor’s Awards. In addition, on several occasions, he has been awarded the “Presidential Award” and “Merit Award” for scientific publications, by the National Research Council (NRC) of Sri Lanka, recognising his contributions to scientific publications. In 2022, on honorary basis, he was appointed as an Adjunct Professor of the School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, QUT-Australia, enabling collaborative research works.
Division: Automobile, Marine, Thermo Fluid Engineering
Research Interests and Collaborations
Research Interests
- Meshfree methods: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
- Discrete Element Methods (DEM)
- Modelling of microscale morphological changes of plant tissues during drying
- Renewable energy (Sea wave, Bio fuel, Solar PV or thermal, Wind and etc.)
- Thermodynamics heat and mass transfer
- Machines for industrial applications
- ME1201 Engineering Drawing
- ME6215 Technical Report Writing and Presentation
- ME6304 Maintenance Management
- ME8312 Energy Management
Book Chapters:
- Karunasena, H. C. P. & Senadeera, W. (2016). Numerical modelling of morphological changes of food plant materials during drying.In M. Zhang, B. Bhandari, & Z. Fang (Eds.), Hand Book of Vegetables and Vegetable Products (pp. 387-427). New York: CRC press.. ISBN 9781498753869
- Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Gu, Y. T., Guan, L., and Senadeera, W.(2018). Three-dimensional (3-d) numerical modelling of morphogenesis of dehydrated fruits and vegetables. In Chen, Guangnan (Ed.), Advances in Agricultural Machinery and Technologies (pp. 431-454). New York: CRC press. ISBN 9781351132381
- Rathnayaka, C. M., Wijerathne, W. D. C. C., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., and Gu, Y. T. (2017). Microscale and Multiscale Computational Modelling of Morphological Changes in Plant Cellular Structure during Drying with a coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Coarse Grained Appraoch. In M. B. Liu, X. Han, Y. T. Gu, & Z. R. Li (Eds.), Advances in Computational Engineering Science (pp. 1-10), Ohio: ScienTech Publisher. ISBN 9781946018014
Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Jayathunga, B.J.C.L. and Karunasena, H.C.P., (2022). Development and Performance Analysis of a Small-Scale On-shore Wave Energy Converter. Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 55(4), pp.47–60. DOI:
- C.P.Batuwatta-Gamage, Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Wijerathne, W. D. C. C., H.Jeong, Z.G.Welsh, M.A.Karim, and Gu, Y. T. (2022). A physics-informed neural network-based surrogate framework to predict moisture concentration and shrinkage of a plant cell during drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 332: 111137.
- Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Wijerathne, W. D. C. C., Senadeera, W., and Gu, Y. T. (2020). A three-dimensional (3-D) meshfree-based computational model to investigate stress-strain-time relationships of plant cells during drying. PLOS ONE, 15(7): e0235712. 1-28. [5 citation]
- Wijerathne, W. D. C. C., Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Sauret, E., Turner, I. W., and Gu, Y. T. (2019). A coarse-grained multiscale model to simulate morphological changes of food-plant tissues undergoing drying. Soft Matter, 15(5), 901-916. [11 citations]
- Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., and Gu, Y. T. (2019). A 3-D coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Coarse-Grained model to simulate drying mechanisms of small cell aggregates. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 67, 219-233 [9 citations]
- Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., and Gu, Y. T. (2018). Application of a coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and coarse-grained (CG) numerical modelling approach to study three-dimensional (3-D) deformations of single cells of different food-plant materials during drying. Soft Matter, 14(11), 2015-2031 [12 citations]
- Rathnayaka, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., & Gu, Y. T. (2017). Application of 3D imaging and analysis techniques for the study of food plant cellular deformations during drying. Drying Technology, 36(5) 509-522. [16 citations]
- Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, C. M., Karunasena, H. C. P., Gu, Y. T., Guan, L., and Senadeera, W. (2017). Novel trends in numerical modelling of plant food tissues and their morphological changes during drying – A review. Journal of Food Engineering, 194, 24-39. [30 citations] - Karunasena, H. C. P., Gu, Y. T., Brown, R. J., & Senadeera, W. (2015). Numerical Investigation of Plant Tissue Porosity and its Influence on Cellular Level Shrinkage during Drying. Biosystems Engineering, 132(0), 71-87.
doi: [31 citations] - Karunasena, H. C. P., Brown, R. J., Gu, Y. T., & Senadeera, W. (2015). Application of Meshfree Methods to Numerically Simulate Microscale Deformations of Different Plant Food Materials during Drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 146(0), 209
doi: [39 citations] - Karunasena, H. C. P., Brown, R. J., Gu, Y. T., & Senadeera, W. (2015). Numerical investigation of case hardening of plant tissue during drying and its influence on the cellular level shrinkage. Drying Technology, 33(6), 713-734. doi: [25 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Brown, R. J., & Gu, Y. T. (2014). A Particle Based Model to Simulate Microscale Morphological Changes of Plant Tissues during Drying. Soft Matter, 10(29), 5249-5268. doi: [54 citations] (this article was also selected for the cover page art work of the particular issue of this journal in which this paper was published)
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (2014). A Meshfree Model for Plant Tissue Deformations during Drying. ANZIAM Journal, 55 (EMAC2013), C110-C137. url: [16 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Brown, R. J., & Gu, Y. T. (2014). Simulation of Plant Cell Shrinkage during Drying – A SPH-DEM Approach. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 44(0), 1-18. doi: [30 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (2014). A Coupled SPH-DEM Model for Micro-scale Structural Deformations of Plant Cells during Drying. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(15-16), 3781-3801. doi: [52 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Hesami, P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., Brown, R. J., & Oloyede, A. (2014). Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Microstructure of Gala Apples During Hot Air Drying. Drying Technology, 32(4), 455-468. doi: [69 citations]
Full Paper Presentations in Conferences:
- N. H. D. S. Manawadu, I. D. Nissanka and H. C. P. Karunasena, “Numerical Analysis and Performance Optimization of a Flap-type Oscillating Wave Surge Converter in Irregular Waves,” 2022 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MERCon55799.2022.9906284.
- Rathnayaka, C.M., Karunasena, H.C.P., Senadeera, W. & Gu, Y.T. (2020, December 7- 10). Modelling 3-D cellular microfluidics of different plant cells for the prediction of cellular deformations under external mechanical compression: A SPH-CG-based computational study. Paper presented at the 22nd Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC2020), Brisbane, Australia.
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B., & Karunasena, H. C. P. (2020, July 28-29). Novel Application of Adaptive Fixed Neighbourhood based SPH (AFN-SPH) Method to Reduce Computational Time in Meshfree based Plant Tissue Drying Models. Paper Presented at the 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B., & Karunasena, H. C. P. (2016, October 22). Novel use of the cell-linked list algorithm to reduce computational time in meshfree based numerical models for plant cell drying. Paper presented at the 2016 Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES), Colombo, Sri Lanka. [2 citations]
- Hansani, K. G. P., Kodithuwakku A.K.C.I., Sumith, B & Karunasena, H.C.P. (September 2018). A unit cell approach to reduce computational time of meshfree based plant tissue models. Paper presented at the 11th International Research Conference-Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 83-89.
- Mudiyanselage, C. M. R., Karunasena, H. C. P., Gu, Y. T., L.Guan, J.Banks, & Senadeera, W. (2016, August 1-4). A 3-D Meshfree Numerical Model to Analyze Cellular Scale Shrinkage of Different Categories of Fruits and Vegetables during Drying. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM-2016), Berkeley, CA, USA. ISSN 2374-3948 (online). pp. 1070-1080. [6 citations]
- Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, C.M., Karunasena, H.C.P., Gu, Y.T., Guan, L. , Banks, J. & Senadeera, W. (2015, November 30- December 1). A Meshfree Based Three-Dimensional (3-D) Numerical Model to Simulate a Single Plant Cell during Drying. Paper presented at the 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM2015), Brisbane, Australia.
- Rasanga, G. V. C., Wickramasinghe, I. P. M., & Karunasena H. C. P. (2015, November 20), An insight into Combustion Optimisation of Batch-fed Biomass Boilers. Paper presented at the National Energy Symposium 2015, BIMCH, Collombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 299-248.
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (2012, December 3-7). A Coupled SPH-DEM Model for Fluid and Solid Mechanics of Apple Parenchyma Cells During Drying. Paper presented at the 18th Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference (18AFMC), Launceston, Tasmania. [22 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (2012, November 25-28). A particle-based micromechanics approach to simulate structural changes of plant cells during drying. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2012), Gold Coast, Australia. [11 citations]
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Brown, R. J., & Gu, Y. T. (2014, June) A novel approach for numerical simulation of plant tissue shrinkage during drying. Paper presented at the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Research and Development Centre, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradapura, Sri-Lanka, pp. 130-135. [2 citations]
- Karunasena, C., & Wickramarachchi, N. (2010, December 17-19). Vision based cross sectional area estimator for industrial rubber profile extrusion process controlling. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAFs), Colombo, Sri Lanka.[4 citations]
- Hansani, K. G. P., Karunasena, H.C.P. & Sumith, B. ( 17th to 19th May 2017). Application of fixed neighbourhood method for meshfree based plant cell models to reduce computational cost. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computational Modelling and Simulation (ICCMS-2017), Colombo, Sri Lanka. [2 citations]
- H.M.A.S. Samarakoon, M.S.M. Safeer, Y.V.LS. Pushpakumara, G. V. C. Rasanga, Karunasena H.C.P.(19 Nov. 2017) Development of a Small Scale Sea Wave Energy Convertor System to Generate Electricit. Paper presented at the of the Vidulka National Energy Symposium, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Abstract Presentations in Conferences:
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 3rd March 2021) Effect of Different Data Structures when Applying CLLA to Accelerate Computational Processing of the State-of-the-art Meshfree based Plant Cellular Models. In Attanayake A. P. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 18th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Kodithuwakku, A.K.C.I., Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 3rd March 2021) Study of the Impact of Particle Resolution on the Computational Efficiency of a CPU-GPGPU Hybrid Running of a Single Plant Cell Model. In Attanayake A. P. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 18th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Manawadu, N.H.D.S., Nissanka I.D. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 3rd March 2021) Numerical Modelling and Simulation of a Bottom-hinged Flap type Oscillating Wave Surge Converter for Performance Optimisation. In Attanayake A. P. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 18th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Jayathunga B.J.C.L., Yasarathna H.P.O.N., & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 3rd March 2021) Development of a Small-scale On-shore Sea Wave Energy Extraction Device for Electricity Generation. In Attanayake A. P. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 18th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Wijerathne, W.D.C.C., Karunasena, H.C.P., Senadeera, W., Turner, I. W., Emilie, S. & Gu, Y.T. (February 2018) A Coarse grained multiscale model to simulate morphological changes of the apple parenchyma tissues during drying. In 3rd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, 12-14 February 2018, Deakin University, Wauren Ponds, Victoria., Australia.
- Wijerathne, W.D.C.C., Turner, I.W., Sauret, E., Karunasena, H.C.P., Senadeera, W., & Gu, Y.T. (2017) A multiscale coarse grained model for simulating mechanical responses of plant food tissues. In 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2017), 25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China.
- Aththanayaka A.M.C.P., Dharmapriya S.H.P.M. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (6 Mar. 2019) Small-Scale Wave Energy Convertor System for Effective Extraction and Storage of Energy from Sea Waves for Power Generation Applications. In Jayatissa L.P. (Eds.) Abstracts of the 16th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Hansani, K. G. P., Kodithuwakku A.K.C.I., Karunasena, H.C.P. & Sumith, B. (6 Mar. 2019) An Adaptive FN-SPH (AFN-SPH) Method to Improve the Computational Efficiency in Simulating Problem Domains with Deforming Boundaries. In Jayatissa L.P. (Eds.) Abstracts of the 16th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 1st March 2017) Application of the Linked List Algorithm to Reduce Computational Time of Meshfree Based Plant Tissue Drying Models. In Chaminda T.G.G. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 14th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Kodithuwakku A.K.C.I., Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 4th March 2020) Development of a Computationally Efficient Hybrid CPU and GPGPU based Numerical Model to Simulate Morphological Changes of a Fresh Single Plant Cell. In Bohingamuwa W. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 17th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Hansani, K. G. P., Kodithuwakku A.K.C.I., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 4th March 2020) Computationally Efficient Simulation of a Meshfree based Compressed Plant Cell Model undergoing Indentation by External Probes. In Bohingamuwa W. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 17th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Manawadu, N.H.D.S., Nissanka I.D. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 4th March 2020) Three-dimensional Numerical Study on Fluid Dynamic Performance of Various Shaped Wave Energy Convertor Flaps in a Wave Tank. In Bohingamuwa W. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 17th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 7th March 2018) A Fixed Neighbourhood based SPH Approach for Faster Numerical Simulation of Fluid Domains Having LowReynolds Number Flow Conditions. In Cumaranathuga P.R.T. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 15th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Samarakoon, H.M.A.S., Safeer, M.S.M., Pushpakumara, Y.V.L.S. , Rasanga, G.V.C. & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 7th March 2018) A Small Scale Wave Energy Convertor System for Ocean Wave-based Electrical Power Generation. In Cumaranathuga P.R.T. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 15th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Sooriyaarachchi, K.D., Ekanayake, M.G.H.P., Gangodaarachchi, G.A.S.P & Karunasena, H.C.P. ( 7th March 2018) Development of a Direct Heating Solar-Electric Hybrid Hot Water System for Domestic Usage. In Cumaranathuga P.R.T. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 15th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Manawadu, N.H.D.S., Nissanka I.D. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (28th to 29th July 2020). Three-dimensional Numerical Study on Fluid Dynamic Performance of Various Shaped Wave Energy Convertor Flaps in a Wave Tank. In Bohingamuwa W. (Eds.). Abstracts of the 17th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Hansani, K. G. P., Sumith, B & Karunasena, H.C.P. (22nd Janurary 2020) Meshfree based Computationally Efficient Simulation of Different Shaped Plant Cells Using the Cell Linked List Algorithm. In Abstracts of Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON 2020), University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
- Adhikari A.A.S.P., Hewanayake H.M.M.M., Madhushani G.V., De Silva K.T.K.M., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (4 Jan. 2018) Development of a Semi-Automated Warp Beam Winding Machine for The Handloom Industry. In B.M.L.A. Basnayake (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Sampath H.H.T.A., Kumara P.A.P., Rathnayaka R.M.K.D. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (4 Jan. 2018) Development of a Semi-Automated High-Speed Bobbin and Fern Winding Machine for The Handloom Industry. In B.M.L.A. Basnayake (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Abhayawardana, N.M.C.S.S., Perera, I.M.V.R.T., Siriwardana, S.S.G.C., Herath, H.M.C.M.& Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of a Steam Heated Evaporator for Palm Oil Effluent Densification. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Priyashan, W.D.M., Sampath, N.M.I.P., Irantha, H.D.I., Herath H.M.C.M., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of an Automated Heating System for a Prototype Rotary Dryer for Drying of Saw Dust for Pellet Production. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Mugilgeethan, V., Madushan, U.R., Ponseka, P.P.S.M.K., Wickramasighe, I. P. M. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of an Adaptive-Controlled Sea Wave Energy Converter System. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Lakshitha, M. A. R., Dissanayake, D. M. N. S., Herath, H. M. C. M., Wickramasinghe, I. P. M. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of a Controller for Intermittently-fed Small Scale Biomass Boilers to Improve Overall Performance. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Karunarathne, R.M.S.P., Aravithan, M., Pussewaththa, P.W.G.S.D. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of a Regenerative Braking System for Passenger Buses. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Jayasekara, M.G.T.C., Kumara, H.R.P.S., Gowrithas, N., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of an Automated Sorting Conveyor Based on Image Processing. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Karandeniya, D.M.W., Narendrakishanth, T, Puviraj, J., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of a Semi Automated Small Scale Machine for Composting Residues Produced During Palm Oil Production. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Palliyaguru, M.T., Rathnayake, W.M.P.L., Aseem, M.I.M., Ranjan, T.& Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Use of Passive Cooling for the Improvement of Coefficient of Performance of Small Scale Conventional Air Conditioners. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Maitipe P.C., Rajasinghe R.A.D.P.M., Wimukthi K.A.H. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Development of a Computer Integrated Heat Exchanger Test Apparatus. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Kosgoda, K.M.N.U., Basnayake, B.M.A.N.K., Wickramasinghe, W.M.U.G.R.N., Herath, M., Gunawardhana, S., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (5 Jan. 2017) Automated Book Packing and Transferring System. In I. Perera & V. Vithana (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Subasinghe, H. L., Somarathna, L. K. N. C., Wickramarathne, D. R. M., Rasanga, G. V. C., Wickramasinghe, I. P. M, & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) Development of an Automated Lab-Scale Combustion Chamber for the Experimental Studies on the Combustion of Batch-Fed Biomass Boilers. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Hansani, K.G.P., Baduge, S., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) An Insight into Numerical Modelling of Multiscale Deformations of Plant Tissues during Drying. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Sandeepa, G.H.Y., Udayanga, K.A.N., De Silva, N.U.C., Rathnayake, A. P., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) Design of a Semi-Automated Machine for Twine Coir Rope-based Oyster Net Knitting. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Alwis, K.A.M., De Silva, P.L.I.T., Perera, D.T.H.U.K., Rathnayake, A. P., & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) Design of a Semi-Automated Machine for Twine Coir Rope-based Stitched Blanket Knitting. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Abeynayaka, C.C., Dasun, P.I., Priyadharshani, R.G.N., Herath, M., Hettiarachchi, N.K. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) Troubleshooting and Design optimization of Saw Dust-based Pelletizing Process. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Udayanga, K.A.N., Premarathna, J.M.NR., Bandara, K.M.D.T. & Karunasena, H.C.P. (14 Jan. 2016) Development of a Sea Wave Energy Extraction System to Generate Electricity for Small-Scale Applications. In Ellawala C. (Eds.) Abstracts of the Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Malinga, R. M. C, Gu, Y. T., & Senadeera, W. (4 March 2015), Meshfree-Based Numerical Modelling of Plant Tissue Shrinkage under Localised Moisture Content Variation, In Arachchige J.J. G. (Eds.) Abstracts of the 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (23-26 Sept. 2012). Smoothed ParticleHydrodynamics-Based Micromechanics Model for Predicting the Apple Parenchyma Cellular Shrinkage During Drying. Abstract presented at The 16th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2012), Brisbane, Australia.
Poster Presentations in Conferences:
- Kodithuwakku, A.K.C.I., Hansani, K. G. P., Karunasena, H.C.P. & Sumith, B. (6 Mar. 2019) Application of GPGPU for the Reduction of Computational Time of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics based Numerical Models to Simulate Morphological Changes of Single Plant Cell during Drying. In Jayatissa L.P. (Eds.) Abstracts of the 16th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. ISSN 2362-0412.
- Naresh, R.K.M., Abeywickrama, A.S., Udagedara, U.A.B., Sumith, B., & Karunasena, H. C. P., (2 March 2016), Development of a Small Scale Air Conditioning Unit based on a Solar Powered Absorption Refrigeration Cycle to be used in Hybrid Air Conditioning Systems, In Abstracts of the 13th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, (ed. by Ranathunge N. P.). 74. Matara, Sri Lanka.
- Lahiru, A. M., Srimal, L. K. T., Karunasena, H. C. P., & Sumith, B (2 March 2016), Value Addition for Coir Fibre as an Oil Absorbent Material, In Abstracts of the 13th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, (ed. by Ranathunge N. P.). 74. Matara, Sri Lanka.
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Rathnayaka A. P., Gu, Y. T., & Senadeera, W. (4 March 2015), Meshfree-Based Numerical Prediction of Plant Tissue Shrinkage during Drying as Influenced by Porosity, In Abstracts of the 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, (ed. by Arachchige J.J. G.). Matara, Sri Lanka.
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Senadeera, W., Gu, Y. T., & Brown, R. J. (10-16 Nov. 2012). A Meshfree Particle Based Model for Microscale Shrinkage Mechanisms of Food Materials in Drying Conditions. Poster session presented at Doctoral Showcase-Early Research Showcase workshop at The International Conference for Higher Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC12), Salt Palace Convention Centre, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Invited Public Lectures:
- Karunasena, H. C. P. (24 Feb. 2015). Introduction to Meshfree Methods and their Applications – A Novel Trend in Numerical Modelling of Engineering Problems, an invited public lecture organised by the Mechanical Engineering Sectional Committee (MESC), Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL).(Event flyer: ; YouTube video:
- Karunasena, H. C. P. (2014). Numerical Simulation of Microscale Morphological Changes of Plant Food Materials During Drying – A Meshfree Approach, Ph.D. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia.
- Karunasena, H. C. P. (2011). Vision based Cross Sectional Area Estimator for Industrial Rubber Profile Extrusion Process Controlling, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
- Karunasena, H. C. P., Gnanasiri, E. M. J. R., & Madushanka, W.K.T. (2006). Industrial Type Coconut De-husking Machine, Final Year Project Report – B.Sc. Eng. (Hons.) degree, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Contributed Featured Articles in Local News Papers:
- Senika Weerakkodi (2017), Local attention is less on wave energy extraction technology, Vidusara newspaper, 28th June 2017.
- Nimal Algewatta (2019), University of Ruhuna Students who generate electricity from wave energy, Lankadeepa newspaper, 7th April 2019, pp 26.
- Amila Chathuranga (2019), Generation of electricity from sea waves, Dinamina newspaper, 18th January 2019, pp 24.
- Research Collaborations of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and the Department of Industrial Development of Southern Province to Support Sri Lankan Fabric Production, UoR Hilights, July-December 2020, 9(2). ISSN 2279-2392, pp 29.
Contributions and Awards
- Vice chancellor’s Award for the Most Outstanding Staff Inventor/Innovator of the University, 18th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (2022)
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Research in year 2017, NRC, Sri Lanka. (2019)
- Award for the Best Oral Presentation (Technical Session: Engineering and Technology) of the 16th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna (2019)
- Vice chancellor’s Award for the Most Outstanding Young Researcher of the University, 14th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (2018)
- President’s Award for scientific publication in year 2015, NRC, Sri Lanka. (2017)
- Award for the Best Poster Presentation (Technical Session: Science and Technology) 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (2015)
- President’s Award for scientific publication in year 2014, NRC, Sri Lanka. (2016)
- Award for the Best Poster Presentation (Technical Session: Engineering) 12th Vice Chancellor’s Awards, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (2015)
- Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award for the outstanding contribution made to the research discipline with the highest standard of excellence demonstrated in higher degree research practice and placing at the top 5% of successful doctoral candidates in the particular academic year at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. (2014)
- Outstanding Higher Degree Research Student Award for the outstanding performance in doctoral studies at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. (2014)
- Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) Scholarship, Deputy Vice Chancellor Top Up Scholarship and Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering Top Up Scholarship for Doctoral studies in Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia. (2011-2014)
- Awarded as a Change Leader for the outstanding performance and contribution to the organizational development of Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka. (2009)
- National Science and Technology Award for the innovation of “Industrial Type Coconut De-husking Machine” conducted as the final year design project in Engineering studies at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2007)
- Gold Medal for the Mechanical Engineering Grandaunt who has obtained the highest overall Grade Point Average of 3.8 or above at the B.Sc. Engineering Degree Examinations for Engineering studies at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2005)
- National Development Bank Award for the Best Mechanical Engineering Grandaunt who has obtained the highest cumulative Grade Point Average for Mechanical Engineering Subjects at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2005)
- Placement on the Faculty of Engineering Dean’s List for 6 semesters based on the outstanding academic performance at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2002 – 2006)
Research Grants
- National Research Council Grants, Sri Lanka (Investigator Driven Research Grants – Grant ID: NRC 15-116) for a research on: “Meshfree based multiscale numerical modelling of cellular level deformations of plant food materials during drying”. The grant funded for a MPhil research covering the stipend, travel and the capital investment for a high-performance computing node. Total grant value is LKR 1.56 million, spanning for 2 years. (2015-2017)
- Research and Development Funding from MAS Active Trading (PVT) Ltd, Sri Lanka on: “Automated Bottom Hem Piping Attaching machine”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used in the sports wear production process in MAS Active garment factories to improve productivity. Total grant value is LKR 0.25 million. (2015)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Provincial Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “High-speed Bobbin and pirn Winding Machine”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the fabric weaving industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 0.65 million. (2017-2020)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Semi-automated Warp Beam Winding Machine”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the fabric weaving industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 0.8 million. (2017-2020)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Semi-automated 10’ Fabric Weaving Machine”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the fabric weaving industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 1.0 million. (2018-2020)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Design and Fabrication of a Mechanised Coir Weaving machine to Produce 10 ft Cricket Mats”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the coir industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 1.85 million. (2018-2019)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Motorised Winding Machine for Coir Yarn Bobbins in Cricket Mat Production”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the coir industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 0.2 million. (2019-2020)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Design and fabrication of a motorised coir cops winding machine in Cricket matting production”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the coir industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 0.2 million. (2019-2020)
- Research and Development Funding from Department of Industrial Development, Southern Province, Sri Lanka on: “Design and Fabrication of a Motorised Shuttle Loom Machine”. The grant funded to develop a working prototype to be used for the fabric weaving industry in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Total grant value is LKR 0.9 million. (2020-2021)
Professional Experience
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (March 2021 to date)
- Actively engaged in the teaching of undergraduate engineering subjects: Maintenance Management; Engineering Drawing; Energy Technology, Energy Management; Technical Report Writing; Technical Presentation Skills; Research Methodology and Ethics; Final Year Design Project; Comprehensive Design Project/ Capstone Project.
- Lecture material development
- Module coordination
Research activities:
- Sea wave energy extraction and biomass combustion for renewable power generation
- Undergraduate research supervision
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (7th October 2015 to March 2021)
Adjunct Professor
- School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. (24th October 2022 – 31st December 2024)
This appointment facilitates undertaking mutually interested research activities and supervision assignments while opening opportunities to access support facilities such as online research databases and High-Performance Computing facilities (HPC).
Visiting Fellow
- School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. (1st November 2014 – 1st November 2015)
Fellowship aims to facilitate collaborative research works and sharing of technical resources to conduct advanced research works of interest to both parties. The fellowship mainly provides the access to QUT’s nline research databases and High-Performance Computing facilities (HPC).
Ph.D. Research Scholar
- School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. (25th July 2011 – 3rd October 2014)
Doctoral research studies, leading to the development of a meshfree-based novel numerical method to study the microscale morphological changes of plant food materials during drying.
- Publication of the findings in referred journals and international conferences
- Worked as a member of the “Laboratory for Advanced Modelling and Simulation in Engineering and Science (LAMSES)” – (
Sessional Academic Staff Member
- School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. (2011 – 2014)
Worked as a tutor and a lab demonstrator in several undergraduate engineering subjects: Design of Machine Elements, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design, Design and Maintenance of Machinery, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Industrial Noise and Vibration, Dynamics of Machinery, Automatic Control, and Aerodynamics.
Lecturer (Probationary)
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (5th October 2010 – 7th October 2015)
Lecturer (on contract basis)
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (5th October 2009 – 5th October 2010)
- Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka. (1st August 2007 – 31st July 2009)
Mainly involved in re-engineering of existing systems and machines in order to improve productivity and maintenance aspects (Loadstar is one of the world’s leading solid tyre and track manufacturers for construction machinery and is a leading company in Sri Lanka).
Main duties:
• Use of latest CAD software tools for design and analysis of Engineering systems (e.g. SolidWorks and Pro/Engineer)
• Management of Engineering projects involving fabrication, assembly, installation and commissioning of production machinery
• Supervision of machine retrofitting activities
• Maintenance management (trained under the Mckinsey & Company for about 18 months, and later worked as a Change Agent for productivity improvement projects and strategic restructuring)
• Workforce management, including training and skill evaluations
• Productivity improvement through the Kaizen concept
Management Trainee
- Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka. (1st November 2006 – 1st August 2007)
Postgraduate Research Supervision
- W. D. C. C. Wijerathne, Meshfree based multiscale modeling of plant tissues during drying. Ph. D. School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. (External supervisor; 2015-2018; Student No.: n9346155) (Completed)
- K.G.P. Hansani, Meshfree based multi-scale numerical modeling of cellular level deformation of plant food material during drying, M. Phil. Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (Principal supervisor; 2015-2020; Student No.: RU/PG/ENG/31) (Completed)
- A.K.C.I. Kodithuwakku, Use of GPGPU for Computational Performance Improvement of Meshfree based Plant Cell and Tissue model to simulate Cellular Morphological changes during Drying, M. Phil. Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (Principal supervisor; 2018-2021; Student No.: PG/ENG/02/2017/40) (Ongoing)
- N.H.D.S Manawadu, Development of a Numerical Model for the Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Performance of Sea Wave Energy Convertors for Power Generation Applications, M. Phil. Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (Principal supervisor; 2019 – 2021; Student No.: PG/EG/02/2019/43) (Ongoing)
Undergraduate Research Supervision (Faculty Of Engineering, University Of Ruhuna)
- Development of a small-scale sea wave-based power generation unit. (2018)
- Development of a semi-automated weaving machine for the production of 9′ fabric. (2018)
- Development of a semi-automated cricket mat weaving machine. (2018)
- Development of an adaptive controlled sea wave-based power generation system. (2017)
- Development of a semi-automated high-speed bobbin and fern winding machine for the handloom industry. (2017)
- Development of an evaporative cooling-based condenser cooling system for improvement of energy efficiency of small-scale air-conditioning units. (2016)
- Development of a hybrid regenerative braking system for passenger buses. (2016)
- Development of an image processing-based controller for a sorting conveyor system. (2016)
- Development of a steam heated convective-evaporative combined densifier for liquid Palm oil effluent densification of the palm oil mill of Watawala Plantation Pvt. (Ltd.), Sri Lanka. (2016)
- Development of a mechanised composting system for accelerated composting of fibrous waste generated by the palm oil fruit bunches produced by the palm oil mill of Watawala Plantation Pvt. (Ltd.), Sri Lanka. (2016)
- Development of a feedback control system for automated controlling of a prototype rotary oven heating system. (2016)
- Development of an automated book packing machine for Atlas Pvt. (Ltd.), Sri Lanka. (2016)
- Development of an adaptive controlling system for the improvement of the energy extraction efficiency of a point absorber-based sea wave energy convertor. (2016)
- Development of a mechanised high-speed bobbin winding machine for the hand loom industry. (2016)
- Development of an automated controller for combustion optimisation of small-scale batch-fed biomass boilers. (2015-2016)
- Design of a semi-automated machine for Hayleys Fibre PLC, Galle, Sri Lanka, in order to replace the existing manual labour driven machine to produce coir based stitched blankets. (2015)
- Design of a high-speed coir rope based net knitting machine for Hayleys Fibre PLC, Galle, Sri Lanka. (2015)
- Development of a small-scale absorption cycle-based air conditioning (AC) unit for small businesses and households. (2015)
- Development of a small-scale sea wave-based power generation system using a pressurised sea water accumulator. (2015)
- Optimisation of pellet making process by resolving the existing technical and process related difficulties faced by Lalan Rubber (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka. (2015)
- Sea wave-based power generation system using a sea water up-pumping technique. (2009-2010)
- Six degrees of freedom light weight robot manipulator arm. (2009-2010)
- Semi-automated reel wrapping machine suitable for Sri Lankan packaging industry. (2009-2010)
Research Projects (conducted by myself)
- Numerical simulation of microscale Morphological changes of Plant food materials during Drying – a mesh-free approach, Ph.D. thesis, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Ausralia. (2014)
- Computer vision-based rubber profile cross-section area measuring system, M.Sc. thesis, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2011)
- Minimum ignition energy measuring apparatus for ignition tests on ignitable dust cloud, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (2010)
- Semi-automated dip painting line with hot air ovens & ducts connected to a steam heated plate heat exchanger including monorail conveyor and dipping baths to facilitate online dip painting and drying of steel metal pieces used in rubber track production, Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd, Sri Lanka. (2008-2009)
- Design and fabrication of a hot air oven system with flame heated plate heat exchanger and duct systems to facilitate online drying of steel wheels coated with powder paint, Loadstar (Pvt.) Ltd, Sri Lanka. (2008)
- Industrial-type coconut de-husking machine, Final Year Project, B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) degree, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2006)
- Mechanised portable tube well drilling machine, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2005)
- Wheel chair with improved steering and dynamic performances suitable for easy navigation in restricted areas, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. (2003)