Krishan Chanaka Wickramasinghe
PhD (Tokyo, Japan), M. Eng (Moratuwa, SL), BSc. Eng (Ruhuna, SL), MJSME (JP), MJSPE (JP), AMIE (SL)
Contact info
+94743028879 (Personal)
+94 0912229273 (Official)
- Machining
- Machining Process Modeling
- Tribology
Educational Qualifications
- PhD. in Mechanical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan (2019-2023)
- Master’s in Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2016-2018)
- BSc. in Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2010-2015)
Professional Qualifications
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2023- Up to Date)
- Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2015-2018)
- Engineer Trainee, Ceylon Tobacco Private Limited Company – British American Tobacco, Sri Lanka (2013-2014)
- Engineer Trainee, Colombo Dockyard Private Limited Company, Port of Colombo Sri Lanka (2012-2013)
Professional Assignments
- Vice-Chairman, Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Ruhuna Chapter (2024-Up to Date)
- Chief Examiner (2023 and 2024) of GCE A/L paper marking for Engineering Technology Stream, Sri Lanka
- Senior Treasurer, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Student`s Society, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna (2024-Up to Date)
- Senior Treasurer, Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS), Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna (2024-Up to Date)
- Technical Expert Committee member , National Standards and Criteria for local manufacturing/ assembly and import of Electric Vehicles- Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Sri Lanka (2023-Up to Date)
- Curriculum Development Committee member, Teacher Training Program For Advanced Level Technology scheme – National Institute of Education – Ministry of Higher Education,
Sri Lanka (2023-Up to Date) - Chairman, Scholarship Committee, Engineering Faculty, University of Ruhuna (2023-Up to Date)
- Chairman, Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Galle Planning Circle (2023-Up to Date)
- Social Secretary, Ruhuna University Engineering Faculty Teachers Association, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2023-Up to Date)
- Senior Editor, Catholic Student’s Society, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2023-Up to Date)
- Faculty Board representative (Engineering Faculty, University of Ruhuna), Ruhuna Engineering Faculty Alumni Association, Engineering Faculty, University of Ruhuna (2024-Up to Date)
- Grievance Committee member, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2023-Up to Date)
- Faculty Coordinator, IESL TECHNO National Exhibition, Sri Lanka (2023)
- Academic Sub Warden, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2016-2018)
- Quality Assurance Cell and Curriculum Development Committee member, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2016-2018)
- Coordinator, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering , IESL TECHNO National Exhibition, Sri Lanka (2015)
- Team Leader, IESL Design Competition, TECHNO National Exhibition, Sri Lanka (2014)
- Chairman, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Young Members Ruhuna Chapter (IESL-YMS), Sri Lanka (2013-2014)
- Secretary, Student Union , Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka 2012-2013
Research Interests
- Machining
- Machining Process Modeling
- Tribology
- Manufacturing Systems
Teaching Areas
- ME 3203 – Manufacturing Processes and Practices
- ME 5204 – Production Planning and Control
- ME 7302 – Production and Operations Management
- ME 7604 – Capstone Projects (Coordinator) (2024-Up to Date)
Academic Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships
- President’s Award for scientific publication, Sri Lanka 2023
- Excellent Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2023
- Mazak Foundation, Japan, Excellent Paper Award 2022
- Fully funded MEXT scholarship for postgraduate studies at Tokyo University of Agriculture and technology, Japan sponsored by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan (2018-2022)
- Fully funded award for the Special International Training Course on “Wind Resource Assessment and Wind Farm Planning” at National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai, India, sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India under ITEC programme
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japan. (M-2001370)
- Japan Society for Precision Engineers, Japan.(A20014)
- Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka. (AM-18005)
- Institute of Automotive Engineers, Sri Lanka.(AM-001786)
Patents and Publications
Refereed Journal publications :
- International Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Volume 310, August 2021, 127459 “Recent advances on high performance machining of aerospace materials and composites using vegetable oil-based Metal Working Fluids” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara, Erween Abd Rahim, G.I.P.Perera
- Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), Special Issue on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol , issue , 2021, pp “Performance Evaluation of White Coconut Oil Based Metal Working Fluid (MWF) under Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) for Machining Inconel 718 And AISI 304.” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara, Usui Masatoshi
- International Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Volume 257, June 2020, 120552 “Green Metalworking Fluids for sustainable machining applications : A review” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara, Erween Abd Rahim, G.I.P.Perera
- International Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer), Vol 33, issue 12, 2019, pp 5753–5759 “Surface Quality Evaluation of 0.2 percent Carbon and AISI 304 Steels in Turning with Sustainable Lubricant Condition” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., S. W. M. A. I Senevirathne, Himan KG Punchihewa, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- Materials Today : Proceedings (Elsevier) Volume 23, Part 1, 2020, Pages 23-26 “Experimental investigation of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) of coconut oil based Metal Working Fluid” WLR Fernando, N Sarmilan, K.C Wickramasinghe, HMCM Herath, GIP Perera
- International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processors (Taylor Francis), Vol 32. Issue. 09, 2017, pp 1026-1033 “Formulation and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Coconut oil based Metal Working Fluid” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G.I.P., Herath H.M.C.M.
Refereed publications at International and National Conferences
Full Papers:
- 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) held on 27 June-4 July 2022, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA “Ultra-Fine Bubbles (UFB) Inserted Novel Coconut Oil Based Metal Working Fluid (MWF) as a Sustainable Lubricant For Turning of Ti-6Al-4V” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- 10th International conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing (LEM21) held on 14-18, November 2021 “The influence of the Ultra Fine Bubble (UFB) inserted Coconut oil-based metalworking fluid (MWF) on tool wear modes and mechanisms in turning of Inconel 718” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- Spring Meeting, Japan Society for Precision Engineers (JSPE) held virtually on 13-26, March 2021. “Novel approach for turning Ti-6Al-4V through Coconut oil based Metal Working Fluid (COCO) in Ultra Fine Bubble Technique (UFB)” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) held virtually on 23-27, June 2020,B0208, “Novel approach for turning Ti-6Al-4V through Coconut oil based Metal Working Fluid (COCO) in Ultra Fine Bubble Technique (UFB)” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- 10th International conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing and Materials (LEMP) held virtually on 22-27, June 2020, jointly organized by Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Society of Mechanical Engineers “Performance Evaluation of White Coconut Oil Based Metal Working Fluid (MWF) under Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) for Machining Inconel 718 And AISI 304” K.C Wickramasinghe, Hiroyuki Sasahara, Usui Masatoshi
- 8th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN), held on 12-15, November 2019, Matsue, Japan “Investigation of the Chip Curl Radius of 0.2 percent Carbon and AISI 304 Steel during Turning under Sustainable Lubricant” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., S. W. M. A. I Senevirathne, Himan KG Punchihewa, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- 8th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT) held on 24-27, April 2019, Kagoshima, Japan “Surface Quality Evaluation of 0.2 percent Carbon and AISI 304 Steels in Turning with Sustainable Lubricant Condition” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., S. W. M. A. I Senevirathne, Himan KG Punchihewa, Hiroyuki Sasahara
- IEEE-1st Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Symposium 22 October 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka ISSN 2536-8680, pp 25 “Investigation of Surface quality and Temperature during Turning AISI 304 steel with Vegetable oil based Metal Working Fluids” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., Herath H. M. C. M
- 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (Special Session on Sustainable Manufacturing, 16-18 December 2016), ISBN 978-955-589-192-9, pp 22 “Optimization of Cutting Parameters During Turning Under Different cooling Environments” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., Herath H. M. C. M.
- Proceedings of 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka, held on 4th March 2015 “Development of a Vegetable Oil-based Water-soluble Metal Working Fluid for End Milling Operation” K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., Herath H. M. C. M
- Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Research Symposium (ARS-2015 Research for Achieving Excellence in Engineering), Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna , Hapugala, Galle, Sri Lanka, 26th January 2015, pp 19. “Preparation of a Coconut Oil-based Water-soluble Metal Working Fluid for Metal Cutting operations”, K.C Wickramasinghe, Perera G. I. P., Herath H. M. C. M
- Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Symposium (ARS-2018 Research for Achieving Excellence in Engineering), Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna , Hapugala, Galle, Sri Lanka, 04th January 2018, pp 49. “Design and Fabrication of a Medium Scale Agitator” S.M.J. Ayesha, A.D.P.G. Gunawardana, J.P.A.S. Wijesingha, G.I.P. Perera, K.C Wickramasinghe, H. Laknath
- Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Symposium (ARS-2018 Research for Achieving Excellence in Engineering), Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna , Hapugala, Galle, Sri Lanka, 04th January 2018, pp 50. “Experimental Setup for the Disposal of Used Metalworking Fluid” M. N. Dilhani, S.S.C.P. Kumara, J.A.D.R. Jayarathna, G.I.P. Perera,K.C Wickramasinghe, K.G.V.K. De Silva