Dr. Buddhika Annasiwaththa
Senior Lecturer
PhD (Kochi, Japan), MSc (Moratuwa, SL), BSc Eng (Moratuwa, SL)
Contact info
+94 912245765/6/7
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Research Areas
Research Interests
- Magnetic suspension systems, Electromagnetics, Control systems, Zero power control, FEM analysis of EM systems.
- Nonlinear system modeling and simulation.
- Industrial automation, data acquisition and recording, Sensors and actuators.
- Embedded systems design.
Conference Papers :
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Design and analysis of a magnetically levitated conveyor powered by a non-contact energy transfer method. In SICE 2014, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN., September 2014. Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Initial design and FEM analysis of a magnetically levitated linear slider powered by non-contact energy transfer. In MAGDA 2014, Takamatsu, Japan, December 2014
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Initial design and FEM analysis of a non-contact power transfer method for magnetically levitated linear slider. In Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC) 2015, Tochigi, Japan., June 2015
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Design concept and analysis of a magnetically levitated linear slider with non-contact power transfer. In 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2015), Kobe, Japan, September 2015
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Zero power levitation control of a magnetically levitated linear slider platform with non-contact power supply. In 15th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB15), Kitakyushu, Japan, August 2015
- Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa, Rohan Munasingha, Pruthuviraj Fernando, and Peter Leimgruber. Design and development of power optimized satellite elephant collar with over the air programmability. In Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS), 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference, Beijing, China, September 2012
Journals :
Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa and Koichi Oka. Design concept and analysis of a magnetically levitated linear slider with non-contact power transfer. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 52(1-2):207-213, 2016. doi:10.3233/JAE-162039
Buddhika Imantha Annasiwaththa, Koichi Oka and Akinori Harada. Magnetically levitated linear slider with a non-contact power transfer method. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2017. doi:10.3233/JAE-160097
Professional Experience
- Visiting researcher – Intelligent mechanical systems laboratory 2, Kochi University of Technology, Japan. (2016-Oct to 2017-Mar).
- Research assistant – Intelligent mechanical systems laboratory 2, Kochi University of Technology, Japan. (2013-Oct to 2016-Sep).
- Lecturer – CINEC Maritime campus, Malambe. (2010 Feb. to 2013 Sep.)
- Visiting Lecturer – Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna. (2011 Mar to 2011 July)
- Special projects engineer – Weighmaster international Pvt. Ltd., Baththaramulla. (2006 Mar to 2010 Jan)