The BSc Eng Hons Programme specialization in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture (MENA) is the first degree programme of its kind offered by a Government University in Sri Lanka. The programme aims to produce competent Marine Engineers and Naval Architects ready for employment in the Maritime Sector, both in Sri Lanka and abroad.
The BScEngHons programme specialization in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture (MENA) is a pioneering effort by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna to produce competent engineering professionals capable of facing the challenges offered by the Maritime Industry. The programme has been designed to comply with the requirements stipulated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) as set out in the IMO Model Courses and Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW). The programme is further governed by the requirements stipulated by the Director General Merchant Shipping (DGMS).
The programme is currently in progress with two batches of undergraduates. The undergraduates follow a mix of subjects consisting of core engineering modules and specific professional modules related to Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. The lectures and practical sessions are delivered by both Academics and Maritime Professionals.
This specialization programme was initially conducted under the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (DMME) of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna. However, a separate Department for Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture (DMENA) has been gazetted in November, 2023. The new department is currently located in the new Workshop Building constructed for Southern Centre for Naval Studies and Shipping (SCNSS) under the 2018 budget proposal.
The four storied building under-construction with complete laboratory and engine simulator facilities for the SCNSS at Megalle, Galle will facilitate the Department of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture (DMENA) to conduct the specialization programme of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture in the near future.