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Explore Publications by Department of Electrical and Information Engineering.
  • Seneviratne C.; Wijesekara P.A.D.S.N.; Leung H., “Performance Analysis of Distributed Estimation for Data Fusion Using a Statistical Approach in Smart Grid Noisy Wireless Sensor Networks.” Sensors 2020, 20, 567, Available at:
  • A. D. Jurcut, P. S. Ranaweera, L. Xu.”Introduction to IoT Security”, in IoT Security : Advances in Authentication, 1st ed., vol. 1, Wiley, 2019.
  • K.M.S.Y. Konara, M.L. Kolhe and A. Nishimura “Grid Integration of PEM Fuel Cell with Multiphase Switching for Maximum Power Operation”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (IEEE-POWERCON-2016), Australia, 2016.
  • Prins, N. W., (2020 Jan) Introduction to neuroengineering and its current applications. Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka