D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2021], Ethics into Practice: Holding Paramount Health, Safety & Welfare of the Public by Entrepreneurial Engineers in Sri Lanka. Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 54(3), pp.87–97. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/engineer.v54i3.7462.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, H.A.D.Saumyadi, and V.P.T. Jayawardane [2021], Improving Engineering Ethics of Professional Engineers in Sri Lanka – Perspectives of Young Engineers. Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 54(3), pp.77–86. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/engineer.v54i3.7461.
Mehrzad, M., Dasanayaka, S.W.S.B., Gleason, K., Wijesinghe, P. and Al Serhan, O. [2021], “Female Afghan engineers’ perceptions of chokepoints along the career trajectory to entrepreneurship”, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Volume 15, Issue 01, Pp 158-182, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-11-2020-0410.
Praneeth Wijesinghe, Thesara Jayawardane, Sarath Dasanayake [2021], “Accomplishing environmental sustainability as an ethical responsibility; evidence from entrepreneur engineers in Sri Lanka”, Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences (SLJSS), 44 (02), Pp 165-179. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljss.v44i2.8243.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe and V.P.T. Jayawardane [2023], Employability Skills Required by Entry- Level Engineers in Sri Lanka, Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 55(1), pp.113–122..
Seneviratna, D.M.K.N. & Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M. (2022). Hybrid grey exponential smoothing approach for predicting transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in Sri Lanka. Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/GS-06-2021-0085
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M. & Seneviratna, D.M.K.N. (2020). Taylor Series approximation based Unbiased GM (1, 1) Hybrid Statistical Approach for Forecasting Stock Market. Journal of Grey System, 32(3): 124-133.
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M. & Seneviratna, D.M.K.N. (2019),” Taylor series approximation and unbiased GM(1,1) based hybrid statistical approach for forecasting daily gold price demands”, Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. 9 Issue: 1, pp.5-18, https://doi.org/10.1108/GS-08-2018-0032
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M., Seneviratna, D.M.K.N. & Long, W. (2018) The dynamic relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in China, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, Taylor and Francis , 13:5, 264-268, DOI: 10.1080/15567249.2015.1084402.
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M., Seneviratna, D.M.K.N., Jianguo, W. & Hasitha Indika Arumawadu, (2016) “An unbiased GM(1,1)-based new hybrid approach for time series forecasting”, Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. 6 Issue: 3, pp.322-340, doi: 10.1108/GS-04-2016-0009.
R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, D.M.K.N Seneviratna, Wei Jianguo, (2016) “Grey system based novel forecasting and portfolio mechanism on CSE”, Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. 6 Issue: 2, pp.126-142, doi.org: 10.1108/GS-02-2016-0004.
R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka D.M.K.N Seneviratna Wei Jianguo, (2015),”Grey system based novel approach for stock market forecasting”, Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. 5 Iss 2, pp. 178 – 193, doi: 10.1108/GS-04-2015-0014.
Rathnayaka, R.M.K.T. & Seneviratna, D.M.K.N., (2018). Impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market returns: a case study of Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka. Kelaniya Journal of Management. 6, pp.1–12. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/kjm.v6i0.7541
Praneeth Wijesinghe, Thesara Jayawardane [2020], Guidance from the Senior Engineers during the Undergraduate Training – A Case Study, Journal of the University of Ruhuna, Volume 8 Issue 2, September, 2020. Pp 83-92, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4038/jur.v8i2.7941, ISSN 2659-2053.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2021], Assisting Professional Development of Subordinate Engineers; Evidence from Owner/Manager Entrepreneurial Engineers in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume 8 Issue 2, 2021. Pp 79-91, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31357/ijms.v8i2.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane [2021], The Determinants of Migration of Sri Lankan Young Engineers to Australia – A Case Study. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS), Volume 3 Issue 2, 2021. Pp 113-122. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/kjms.v3i2.34.
R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, D.M. K. N. Seneviratna and Wei Jianguo,”Short-term and long-term dynamics between macroeconomic indicators and market fluctuation: A study of Colombo Stock Exchange, 3 (1), pp.20–27, 2016, Journal of Management Matters, 2016 Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.; ISSN 1391-7099.
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, R.M., Seneviratna, D.M.K.N. (2019). A Novel Hybrid Back Propagation Neural Network Approach for Time Series Forecasting Under the Volatility. In: Hemanth, J., Silva, T., Karunananda, A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence. SLAAI-ICAI 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 79-91). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9129-3_6
Eng. D.P.S. Wijesinghe, Eng. N.L.W. Wijewantha, Dr. D. Attygalle, H.A.D.I. Dilshan, W.D.D. Weerasinghe [2017], Development of CZTS thin film from Spin Coating for Solar Cell Application, 111th Annual Sessions of The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, [111th AS-IESL], Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp 121-124.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2018], Engineering Ethics-A Matter to Reconsider, Conference Proceedings of South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka.(ISSN: 2659 – 2010 online).
Eng. D.P.S. Wijesinghe, Eng. (Dr.). V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2018], Perception of Engineering Students’ towards the importance of Engineering Ethics for their future Profession, 112th Annual Sessions of The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, [112th AS-IESL], Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp 635-641.
Eng. D.P.S. Wijesinghe, Eng. (Dr.). V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2019], Impact of the Technical Communication Skills possessed by the Young Engineers in Sri Lanka, 113th Annual Sessions of The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, [113th AS-IESL], Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp 697-704.
Praneeth S. Wijesinghe, Prathibha N. Gardihewa, [2019], Reasons for the difficulties to acquire language skills; With reference to the first year undergraduates in the Faculty of Engineering, Conference Proceedings of Asia International Conference of Multidisciplinary Research 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (ISSN: 2682-7271 online) pp 31-36.
Praneeth S. Wijesinghe, Thesara VP. Jayawardane, [2019], Sri Lankan Young Engineers’ Perception on Communication Skills; A Qualitative Survey, Conference Proceedings of 2nd South Asia Conference of Multidisciplinary Research 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (ISSN: 2659-2010 online) pp 10-16.
Praneeth Wijesinghe, Thesara Jayawardane, Sarath Dasanayake [2020], Personality Traits of Techno-Entrepreneurial Engineers in Sri Lanka, Conference Proceedings of 6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERCon 2020) at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. DOI: 10.1109/MERCon50084.2020.9185246.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2020], Start-up Stories of Techno-Entrepreneurial Engineers in Sri Lanka, Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Business Research (ICBR 2020) at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (ISSN 2630-7561) pp 188-197.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2021], “Brand Loyalty & Engineering Ethics; A Study Based on Entrepreneur Engineers in Sri Lanka”, 2nd International Conference on Marketing Management (ICMM 2021) jointly organized by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) and Emerald Group of Publishers, Pp 01-16.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2022], “Technology Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka: Way Forward”, Conference Proceedings of 5th International Conference of Business Research (ICBR 2022) at the University of Moratuwa, URI: http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/20077.
D.M.K.N Seneviratne and Rathnayaka, R.M.K.T. (2021). “Grey Exponential Smoothing and Sentiment Classification Approach for Stock Prediction Using Big Data Analytics: A Case Study on Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka”, International Congress on Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis 2021(ICGSUA 2021), Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, held online on 17th September, 2021.
D.M.K.N Seneviratne and R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka “Grey Statistical Approach for Forecasting Electricity Demand in Sri Lanka”, The 2019 International Congress on Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis (GSUA 2019) hosted by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Grand Mercure Bangkok Fortune in Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand, August 8-11, 2019.
R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka and D.M.K.N Seneviratne, “Taylor Series approximation based Unbiased GM(1,1) Hybrid Statistical Approach for forecasting Stock Market”, The 2019 International Congress on Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis (GSUA 2019) hosted by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Grand Mercure Bangkok Fortune in Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand, August 8-11, 2019.
M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka and D. M. K. N Seneviratne, “A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Market indices: A case study of Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka”, 8th International Conference on Management and Economics ( ICME 2019), Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 15th August 2019.
M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka & D. M. K. N. Seneviratna (2019), Artificial neural network approach for predicting daily price indices in Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka, 12th International Research Conference, 11th & 12th September, General Sri John Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
R.M Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, D.M K. N. Seneviratna and H. I. Arumawadu, “A Vector Error Correction Modelling Approach to evaluate equilibrium relationships on Colombo Stock Exchange”, 5th International Conference on Management and Economics, (ICME) University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka, 2016, ISBN 978-955-1507-48-0.
R.M Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka and D.M K. N. Seneviratna “Factors affecting on exchange rate fluctuation: evidence from Sri Lankan domain in recent past” 7th International Conference on Management and Economics, (ICME) University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka, 2018, ISBN 978-955-1507, 59-6.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, N.L.W. Wijewantha, Dr. D. Attygalle, [2016], Fabrication and Characterization of CZTS thin films by spin coating, 2nd International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference 2016, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2018], Engineering Ethics-A Matter to Reconsider, South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (ISBN 978-955-3751-00-3).
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2019], Need of a study on implications of Ethics on Behavior and Performance of Technological Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka, Asia International Conference of Multidisciplinary Research 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (ISBN 978-955-3751-01-0) pp 11.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, P.N. Gardihewa, [2019], Reasons for the difficulties to acquire language skills; With reference to the first year undergraduates in the Faculty of Engineering, Asia International Conference of Multidisciplinary Research 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (ISBN 978-955-3751-01-0) pp 13.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2019], Senior Engineers’ Ethical Responsibility in Training Junior Engineers for the Sustainable Use of Technology in Sri Lankan Engineering Firms, International Conference on Social & Cultural Nexus of Science and Technology Development (SCST) 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (ISBN 978-955-590-134-5) pp 09.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2019], Communication Skills Matter! The Opinions of Young Engineers Working in Sri Lankan Industrial Sector, 2nd South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (ISBN 978-955-3751-02-7) pp 08.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, [2019], Importance of Engineering Ethics in Business Environment-With Reference to Views of Engineering Students, 1st International Conference on Applied Social Statistics 2019, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp 07-10.
D.P.S. Wijesinghe, V.P.T. Jayawardane, S.W.S.B. Dasanayake [2019], Ethics & Entrepreneurial Behavior; A Study based on Chartered Engineers in Sri Lanka, International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC 2019), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. pp 05.
Danusi Saumyadi, Praneeth Wijesinghe, Thesara Jayawardane, [2020], Promoting Engineering Ethics Among Engineers in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of Global Conference on Advances in Education and Research (GCAER 2020), Tohoku University of Community Service and Science, Japan. (ISSN 2436-0848), pp 12.
Praneeth Wijesinghe, Thesara Jayawardane, Sarath Dasanayake, [2020], Health & Safety; Holding Paramount in Techno-Entrepreneurial Engineering Firms in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of Global Conference on Advances in Business and Social Sciences (GCABSS 2020), Tohoku University of Community Service and Science, Japan. (ISSN 2436-083X), pp 9-10
Seneviratna D.M.K.N. & Rathnayaka R.M.K.T. Grey Theory Based Approach for Time Series Forecasting, 18th Academic Sessions 2021, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
H.R.P. Maddushan, S.N. Malkanthi, and D.M.K.N. Senevirathna, Evaluation of critical factors affecting quality of construction projects, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering practices for Sustainable Development, Galle, pp 335-342, October 2021
Fernando B.C.A., Malkanthi S.N. & Seneviratna D.M.K.N., Effect of Contractor-Client Relationship To Minimize Construction Delay, Proceedings of the 7th Undergraduate Research Symposium on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, pp 61-62, January 2021
Lavanraj T., Jayasinghe A.G. & Seneviratna D.M.K.N., An Investigation into Differential Characterization of Soils Across CPT Interpretation Schemes, Proceedings of the 7th Undergraduate Research Symposium on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Galle, pp 1-2, January 2018
D.M.K.N Senaviratna and R.M.K.T Rathnayaka, “ Forecasting performances of hybried ANN-SARIMA , Grey and SARIMA models for monthly rainfall data”, Proceeding of the 74th Annual Sessions – SLAAS 2018, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science,Sri Lanka.
Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka R. M and Seneviratna D.M.K.N and Jianguo W. (2017), Geometric Brownian mortion based hybrid approach for the analysis high volatile financial time series, Proceeding of 4th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference ( RISTCON), University of Ruhuna, Matara , Sri Lanka, 26th January, 2017.
M Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka and D.M.K.N Seneviratna (2018), A Novel Hybrid Back propagation Neural network Approach for time series Forecasting under the volatility, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( SLAAI-ICAI-2018), Sri Lanka Association for Artificial Intelligence , Sri Lanka, 26th January, 2017.
R.M.K.T Rathnayaka and D.M.K.N Senaviratna, “ Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA based new hybrid statistical approach for stock market predictions”, Proceeding of the 74th Annual Sessions – SLAAS 2018, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science,Sri Lanka.
M. K. T. Rathnayaka, and D. M. K. N. Seneviratna, (2018), An investigation of the factors affecting exchange rate fluctuations: A Sri Lankan experience in recent past, 11th International Research Conference, General Sri John Kothalawala Defence University, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka.
Rathnayaka, R. M. K. T., and Seneviratna, D. M. K. N. (2017). Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Returns: A Case Study of Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka. 8th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI – 2017, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.06. http://repository.kln.ac.lk/handle/123456789/18309
M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, D. M. K. N. Seneviratna, (2017), “Geometric Brownian Motion Based New Hybrid Statistical Approach for Forecasting Time series Data under the Volatility”, 7th Annual Research Session of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
R.M. Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka , D.M.K.N. Seneviratna, “Artificial Neural Network based New Hybrid Approach for Forecasting Electricity Demands in Sri Lanka”, Kelaniya International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (KICACT‒2017) Proceedings, 28th July 2017, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
R.M Kapila Tharanga Rathnayaka, D.M.K.N Seneviratna, and H. I. Arumawadu, “A New Financial Time series Approach for Volatility Forecasting”, Symposium on Statistical Computational Modelling with Applications 2016 (SymSCMA-2016), Department of Statistics & Computer Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2016.